Whenever I am having one of those senseless moments of “I don’t have anything to wear! (This happens frequently, despite my overwhelmingly full closet),” I tend to grab this little black dress. The silhouette is flattering and modest, and can change from dressy to casual in a matter of seconds. Today I paired it with a lightweight sage green cardigan and some plum colored tights. Can I just tell you how much I adore tights? Well, I really don’t know what I’d do without them. Living in Oregon has taught me many things. One of those things is: even when the sun shines its brightest, February days are still going to be chilly. It’s one of the perks of living in the pacific northwest; deceiving weather. Yes, it certainly makes things more exciting. When I say, “exciting” what I really mean is, “makes me want to pull my hair out every time go out bare legged and realize it’s actually too cold to go without tights but now it’s too late and I’m freezing.” Moral of that story? Keep a pair of tights in your purse. Always. Along with a four or five candy bars, and a wrench. Hey, it comes in handy. Another thing Oregon has taught me is that states with year-round blazing temperatures miss out on the delights of seasonal wardrobe. We get four seasons up here, which is something I am grateful for. I sometimes wonder what kind of style I would have if I had grown up in San Diego where I was born. I’d be sporting shorts and sandals with the occasional light jacket for those days when it gets down to a frigid 65 degrees. The perfect everyday ensemble for a California girl. Or some daisy dukes with a cupcake bikini and neon pink hair might be more fitting (that was a Katy Perry reference, in case you didn’t catch on). Odd as it may be, I rather prefer overcast skies and the precipitation I am accustomed to. Don’t get me wrong, sunny days are absolutely sublime, but I couldn’t stand it for 365 days at a time. I rhyme. I’m a tights enthusiast, and an avid wearer of boots and scarves. It just doesn’t mesh well with Dante’s Inferno-esque weather.

Seeing as this is my first ever post on Sophisti[k]ate, I just wanted to thank you for dropping in to see what I have to say! It means a lot. I’m not going to label this blog with any particular theme in mind. But as stated in the brief ‘welcome/about me’ section over to the right, I love fashion and photography. Be prepared to see a lot of fashion/photography-related posts. But knowing myself, I am prone to bouts of inspiration at random times, so the occasional haphazard/rambling post will appear. That said, I hope you had a lovely weekend!
Outfit Details:
Dress: Target
Cardigan: Forever 21
Scarf: Fred Meyer
Oxfords: Target
Tights: JCPenney