Friday, February 10, 2012

"Nerd" is the Word

The Throne Room (Chinese Collection)

     It’s the weekend! Time to party! And when I say “party” what I really mean is cram for tests and eat an entire chocolate cake on my own. And truthfully, between blogging, school, and work, I don’t have much of a life beyond sitting on the floor with my cat. I’m kidding of course. I’m not that mundane. Sometimes I like to sit on the floor with my cat and read books about art while listening to Strauss on repeat. I like to live life on the wild side. I’m a bit of a rebel. My point? There really isn’t one. Other than I don’t get out enough, and that needs to be remedied. 

I said all that to say that I did, in fact, get a chance to visit the museum at my university the other day. My sister and I had a lovely time walking around and taking photos. I thought I would share some of the shots I got of the art of China, Korea, and Japan. I have a very keen interest in culture; particularly Asian culture since I have family members who are currently living in Tokyo, and I am obsessed with Korean boy bands (not kidding). I was pleasantly surprised when I saw this collection, because it is beautifully displayed and maintained. I am quite the nerd when it comes to art, as you may have noticed, so here are some details of this exquisite exhibition! *The last photo is of a drawing done by a 5th grader from a local elementary school. It is titled, "The World is One." Children are capable of such profound an inspiring thoughts. It's truly amazing. 

Pagoda model (Chinese Collection)
Dragon detail from Pagoda
Hanja Script (Korean Collection)
Screen from Throne room (Chinese Collection)

Kago detail (Japanese Collection)
Detail from Throne Room Vase
"The World is One"

 Have a lovely weekend, everyone!


  1. My first thought is maybe instead of cake a pie would be nice....a good berry or cherry pie?! Your photography leaves me in awe - your quest to learn about culture, language and art from the reaches far beyond is something that impresses me and inspires me to learn more myself. I couldn't be more proud to have you as my sister and I fully enjoyed our day together and hope we have another adventure soon!

    1. I love you. Thank you for your kind words. We have many more museum visits ahead of us! <3
